7 Reasons to Learn Music Online
The age of the internet is finally making significant inroads on the educational front.
What began as electronic access to a class syllabus or written resource materials was followed by simple webinar opportunities, and now has expanded to include more interactive options. These enhanced capabilities are leading to online lessons popping up for everything from college courses to software training to musical instruction.
If you haven’t taken a course in over a decade, this idea might be new to you. What are some reasons even you should consider giving online learning a try?
Here are the top 7 reason to learn music online:
Scheduling Convenience.
The most obvious benefit of taking an online music course is that it is available to you whenever you need it- any day of the week, any hour of the day. You don’t need to concern yourself with re-scheduling lessons, when something suddenly comes up.
Time Saver.
No packing up and travel time! Just head to your computer. As our schedules get busier and busier, every saved moment counts.
It’s Green!
Along with zero travel time, comes zero carbon emissions. Do your part to save the environment from unnecessary car trips.
Access to Higher Caliber Instructors.
Online learning grants you access to better instructors than you might be able to find in your local geographical area.
Watch it again!
The days of missing an important piece of your teacher’s presentation and needing to beg your neighbor for their notes is over. Did your dog bark during a critical explanation? Hit the rewind button.
Learn at your own pace.
Also gone are the days when you needed to keep up with the class despite whatever else was going on in your life. Online learning allows you to proceed at the speed that works best for your preferred learning style.
Learn in your pajamas!
Even on a lazy day, you can take time to make progress on the course of study on which you have embarked. Of course, you won’t want the camera on in this case!
Some of the previous arguments that had been made against online learning have also been eliminated.
Those who were concerned about isolation can now be assuaged by the social media aspect of many online learning sites. Most have some form of chat or comment capability, and actively encourage student interaction.
Those concerned with a diminishment of student-teacher interaction will find that many instructors are highly motivated to interact on a regular basis with their online students. In addition, periodic quizzes with immediate feedback are fairly common.
ArtistWorks.com offers the patented VE (Video Exchange) capability wherein students submit video samples of their musical work and receive feedback videos direct from the instructor of the musical school they have selected. Then, these VE’s are posted to the school site for all students to gain greater clarity from the interaction.
Clearly, online learning is coming of age! Explore over 35 online music programs on ArtistWorks here.
