Adapting: Finding What Works for You
Hello dear friends!
Well, this is a time for the books, eh? In this time of social distancing and the complete upheaval of our regular routines it's important to try to stay grounded and to remember to give ourselves a break while we all adjust to what is, for now, the new normal. Find what works for YOU as you settle in to a new schedule. Some of you may have lots of new time on your hands. Some of you may be just trying to hang on. The important thing is to give yourself time each day to reset and focus. If that time is with a bass in your hands, then go for it!
This is a great time to set some goals but don't forget to be open to how topsy-turvy each day may yet be. Be open to change, flow with it and most of all, don't forget that we are all in this together!
Love, Missy