Back from Blue Bay Festival, Ukraine
hey all,
Just got back from the Blue Bay Festival just by the black sea in Ukraine. I had a great time performing as one of the headliners together with the Ukranian band "Lush Life". there were a few really great acts performing at the festival and I was delighted to see my friend Bireli Lagrene again. He played an awesome show together with his band, I haven't seen him since we did a few shows together in paris 2009.
Also I was happy to meet Nikitas, one of the young students studying guitar with me online on this site. We got to talk a bit and play a few songs. Looking forward following this young man's progress.
I was also awarded with a guitar from the Ukranian builder AVAKS at a cermony on the main stage. Very unexpected but honoring to receive such a fine gift...
More pictures will be posted later.
regards andreas