Breaking Through ‘The Sound Of Silence’
Are you feeling restless or anxious? Maybe it’s because your music has been silent for far too long. It’s surprisingly easy to lose sight of your passions in this fast-paced world, but it’s never too late to reconnect with the music that has brought you so many hours of joy and self-expression.
Science shows that playing music produces endorphins and releases dopamine, the chemicals that brighten our outlook and make us feel good inside. Connecting with your musical ability is more than just fun—it’s an important part of maintaining your mental health. Playing music will make you happier, and that's a scientific fact!
Enter ArtistWorks’ newest course, Beginner's Guide to Acoustic Guitar. Taught by ArtistWorks Co-Founder, Chairman and lifelong guitarist, David Butler, online music lessons provide fundamental acoustic guitar lessons for beginners in a fun, approachable manner. You’ll learn how to play acoustic guitar through lessons that are based on the songs of your youth, including tunes by Paul Simon, John Newton and Neil Young.
If you’re looking to reclaim your musical voice, consider learning acoustic guitar right here at ArtistWorks. David’s goal is to provide comprehensive, step by step, perfectly-paced instruction that fills in gaps that often cause first time players to get frustrated