Chat Room with Martin
On Saturday May 21st I will be in the Chat Room for a couple of hours to answer any questions that my students may have about the MTGA Curriculum, Video Exchanges, Practice..... anything to do with guitar playing.
This will also be a great opportunity for MTGA students around the world to chat with each other and talk about all things guitar.
Because we are a worldwide community I decided that 10.00am US Pacific Time would be good for all my students in North America and Europe. I also plan another Chat Room session at a later date that will be more convenient for my students in Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
However, all students are welcome to join me on the 21st as long as they don't mind getting up in the middle of the night!
I really want to hear from you and have a chat, so please put this time and date in your diaries....
Saturday 21st May
10.00am - 12.00pm USA Pacific Time
18.00pm - 20.00pm United Kingdom
19.00pm - 21.00pm Europe
See you in the Chat Room!