Chirp Battle Announced
Greetings, we have news! After reviewing all the entries for the Tear Battle, Qbert was so torn (pardon the pun) that he couldn't decide on the winner... So, much like the Boomerang Battle, the winner of the Tear Battle will be decided once again by the students of QSU! Check out all the entries under "Recent Video Exchanges" and leave a comment for the one you want to win! The winning video will go up on the official Tear Lesson page to studied and enjoyed by QSU students FOREVERRRR!
UPDATE 7/31/13: Congrats to DJ Hypnotize aka The HZA : Winner of the Tear Battle! Another QSU 2x Battle Winner (he also won the Combo Challenge awhile back, it's on his student page)! Check out his video if you haven't already, it's now on the Tear Lesson Page too.
Ok, and the next battle will be on... CHIRPS! You guys know the drill, the student with the best 1 minute chirp video will win a special prize. The deadline is August 12th... now go make it chirp!