Jason Vieaux on Pat Metheny & Classical Guitar Performance
Our resident classical guitar teacher Jason Vieaux was interviewed recently by KING FM in Seattle Washington. The interviewer Sean MacLean is obviously a big fan of Pat Metheny because starts off with asking Jason about his Pat Metheny tribute CD, "Images of Metheny", which came out in 2005. They discuss the influence Pat Metheny has on Jason's playing and how it manifests with his classical guitar playing. When asked why he chose to do a Pat Metheny tribute CD, here's what Jason said:
"The emotional content of the music I think is sometimes missed by a lot of his detractors, because the music on the surface sounds very nice a lot of the time. But there's just something about it… I think a lot of emotions are evoked in the best of his music, and they're very subtle." - Jason Vieaux
Check out the classical guitar performance below and click here to listen to the interview.