Justin BUA Now Teaching How To Draw Online
Today is a big day for us over here at ArtistWorks, we've just opened the doors to the Online Art School with Justin BUA and we're very excited. It's the first time we're teaching people how to draw online as opposed to our other online learning schools which focus on music. Adding online art lessons felt natural for us, because the concept of what we do is essentially the same - visually teaching something through the exchange of videos works for any visually taught subject. So with the Online Art School, there's an online curriculum containing video art lessons which students go through at their own pace, and there's a master teacher available to guide the students through the curriculum and give them feedback when they submit videos.
BUA is the perfect art teacher for this - not only because he's a world renowned artist and former USC art instructor, but because he understands art on a fundamental level from his own experience of learning how to draw both in and out of the classroom. It's out of his own passion for art that BUA is able to articulate exactly what it takes for anyone to learn how to draw with his online art lessons. Welcome aboard to all the new art students!
To put ArtistWorks' transition from online music lessons to online art lessons into perspective, we asked Launch Manager and Director of Media John Graves what he thinks:
"It's been really interesting working on these art lessons. I wasn't sure what exactly to expect before we started, since everything we'd done had been around music [and singing] lessons, but as soon as we started filming it was clear that we were onto something big.
After launching 24 online music schools, it's very exciting to now be diving into the world of visual art. And what better artist to be partnered with than Justin BUA? His curriculum, and this site as a whole, is fresh and exciting, and literally covers all ends of the spectrum of knowing how to draw. From the simplest forms and gestures to the most advanced art skills and concepts, BUA instills a strong foundation of knowledge and technique into his students, and from there goes on to teach them how to draw anything they could ever imagine. The classically trained artist in him references old master painters and art history, while the abstract artist in him uses expression, visualization, and humor to teach artists how to find their own style. His personalized video feedback to his students is thorough and valuable, breaking down their work and helping them see it again for the first time in a new light. It's awesome to watch the student body grow, it's quickly filling up with enthusiastic and supportive students, all enjoying watching one another learn how to draw. I'm very proud to be a part of it." - John Graves, ArtistWorks
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Learn how to draw online at www.buaartschool.com. Sign up for free sample lessons at the form!