Justin BUA Talks About Gustav Klimt
"He was so great that he actually wore a potato suit." - Justin BUA
To honor the anniversary of the death of Austrian painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918), Justin BUA has recorded a new video talking about why he considers him one of the most "original, fantastic, magical artists" of all time. And it's not just the potato suit, here's some other qualities of Gustav Klimt that make him so good:
- Amazing ability to stylize
- Unique vision of reality
- Phenomenal draftsman
- Originality + Stylization + Draftsmanship = Great Artist
BUA also talks about about the influence that Gustav Klimt had on Egon Schiele, another great Austrian painter who was his protégé. Be sure to check out more Gustav Klimt art here and let BUA know which one is your favorite!
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