Ken Sykora - The Man With The Jazz Guitar
A couple of years ago I was asked to take part in a documentary film about the life of the jazz guitarist and radio broadcaster Ken Sykora. I was one of many guitarists that were asked to speak about Ken and his huge contribution to the guitar.
Like many wannabe guitarists growing up in 1960's Britain, I used to tune in to his weekly BBC radio show 'Guitar Club' to hear Ken and many of the guitar greats of that time.
The Sykora family have teamed up with Five Feet Films to make this wonderful tribute to Ken.
He was a beautifully melodic guitarist from the Django Reinhardt tradition, and was also a veteran radio broadcaster.
The last time I visited Ken at his home in Kilmun, Scotland was to celebrate his 80th birthday. Sadly, Ken is no longer with us, but this documentary is a wonderful tribute to an extraordinarily talented man. I strongly you suggest you take a look at this film.
You can check it out by going to: