Lari White Health Update
Lari White Health Update:
In respecting the wishes and privacy of Lari’s family, ArtistWorks has been very limited in what can and cannot say regarding her current health condition. We are now able to update you on how Lari is doing. Over the past few weeks, Lari has undergone multiple surgeries which require significant and serious recovery. Lari and her family are appreciative of your continued well wishes.
In the midst of this challenging time, we have kept you (her students) in mind. We are committed to providing a positive and productive learning experience. ArtistWorks is hard at work arranging for a substitute to step in while Lari continues to recover. Once we are able to confirm a substitute, they will respond to all video exchanges that have been submitted.
We would like to thank you for your patience as ArtistWorks navigates this unforseen circumstance. Please continue keeping Lari in your thoughts!
Please reach out to customer service with any questions.
More information coming soon...
ArtistWorks Inc