Learning How to Sing: Tips For Beginners
Some people say they can't sing, and sometimes they're right. But usually, those people are experiencing a common, negative mindset.
1. They’re afraid to try.
2. They’re embarrassed to sing
3. They don't know the how to improve their singing voices
4. They have never really tried to sing
Discover Magazine, in 2014, included an article by James Dziezynski, in which the author quoted Sean Hutchins, a researcher at BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research). The author asked Hutchins if people who have an "imitative deficit" (parts of the brain are giving the vocal cords faulty instructions), can learn to sing. Hutchins' reply was:
“I would say there's plenty of hope. Practice, practice, practice. A good vocal teacher and patience will help.”
The Physicality of Singing
Michael Daves, a bluegrass voice teacher, says one of the first things a singer should know is that the vocal cords must be cared for, just as athletes care for their muscles.
1. Yoga is an excellent choice for singers, as are most types of stretching moves.
2. Before you sing, says Daves, you also need to focus on your jaw. Massage both sides of your jaw and stretch the muscles to relax it as much as possible.
3. Put your arms above your head. Start in head voice and vocalize a "sigh" down to the bottom of your vocal range as you bend over to the floor.
4. Remember that there is a physicality to all singing techniques.
Ear Training
Singing basic scales, along with finding the scales and playing along on whatever instrument you wish, is a terrific way to hear the notes correctly and intuitively. Another practice method that helps with tuning the voice, whatever your voice types, is to follow different scales and to match basic melodies, such as "Mary had a Little Lamb" to the scales and your vocals.
Like any other instrument, the vocal cords and brain have to be exercised to train them how to sing. That training includes:
1. Setting aside time to practice every day. Before playing and singing becomes effortless, musicians have to invest time into repeating the techniques taught by their instructors. Your teacher has mastered the skills he or she wants to impart to you and will give you specific and useful feedback to build your skill foundations.
2. Practice needs to take place over and over again so that you can enter the state of "flow," where your music is concerned.
3. Recording yourself will allow you to hear what your voice sounds like. Audio of yourself will give you the information you need to critique yourself.
4. Add exercise to your daily practice routines, such as diaphragm, vocal cord, jaw, and lungs strengthening.
5. Take it easy on yourself, however, because progress is more important than perfection.
How to Sing Better
Jeannie Deva, the late vocals training coach, wanted her students to know that singing should never feel difficult. She wanted singers to understand how to make singing easier no matter your genre.
Deva said to relax the tongue. Rest your tongue behind your bottom teeth. Leave it there while you sing, and use it only for some of the consonants. As you practice relaxing your tongue, you will find your singing becomes natural.
The same thing goes for the lips. Deva said to watch yourself in a mirror as you sing. If you notice that you are exaggerating the movement of your face to reach specific notes, you are creating tension in the back of your throat and will have to push against the tightness. Sing the song again and use your hands, placed on both sides of your face, to relax your facial movements.
When you sing, hold your hands on the back of your sides and feel your rib cage expand out and up from the sides. This will result in your stomach remaining relaxed and maintain the open position of your back.
There's a gag that goes like this: a visitor to New York City asked a passerby, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The NYC resident said, "Practice, practice, practice!" Maybe it's time to stop saying you can't sing, and start practicing.
