Let's Circle Back: Mike Block's New Cello Lesson
What if your Cello playing could sound as fluid and uninterrupted as a never-ending circle? Mike Block wants to teach you how to create continuity in your sound and make bow changes without pauses and breaks. Thinking of your Cello differently could unlock an entire world of sound you never would have thought possible. Check out what Mike has to teach here.
Let's get technical: Mike Block visited the Artistworks studios in Napa recently to film a large batch of new lessons that are coming to the site in the near future. This is the first new lesson in his long series for Beginner Cellists section. In this new lesson called "Bow Circles" Mike teaches you a technique to help you achieve a continuous, smooth legato bow changes. He explains and demonstrates the mechanics of how this works and when to best use it as well as giving suggestions on how to practice it. More new lessons will be added soon so check back for updates.
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