Mandolin Quick Tips
Congratulations! You've taken the leap, and decided to dive into a new instrument- the mighty mandolin.
We could talk for days about the benefits of learning a new instrument. (Did you know that singing is actually a great source of exercise?). Whatever motivated you to give the mandolin a try, we're glad you're learning to play.
Though it may seem like it's just you and the mandolin against the world, ArtistWorks has several resources designed to help you learn. In this article, we've compiled some quick tips for mandolin beginners, as taught by mandolin masters: Mike Marshall and Caterina Lichtenberg.
Once you've decided to take your playing to the next level, you can partner with an expert mandolin mentor on ArtistWorks. We offer unlimited classical mandolin lessons with Caterina Lichtenberg, and Mandolin lessons with Mike Marshall for as little at $23 a month.
Here are some of the first things you'll want to know how to do with your mandolin:
Tune Your Mandolin
Mike Marshall will walk you through how to tune your mandolin to the perfect pitch. You can use an electric tuner, or try to tune by ear.
How to Practice Effectively
Not all practice is created equal! Perfect practice leads to perfect playing, and imperfect practice leads to imperfect playing. So, before you invest too much of your time -- make sure you're maximizinfg your efforts.
How to Hold Your Mandolin Pick
It may seem simple, but getting this foundational skill down will help with your playing down the road. Caterina gives you expert advice on how to hold your pick for better playing.
For more quick tip videos, check out our Youtube playlist, Mandolin Quick Tips: For Beginners. Ready to dive into lessons? Sign up now.