New Guest Performances Added to +Music!
We're excited to announce the addition of two very special videos - the first is Adam Larrabee doing an amazing solo performance of several of his banjo preludes. The second addition is a really fun opening performance from Eric Weissberg that features an all-star ensemble (including Tony of course!) from the 2002 NY Banjo Concert, the first live event filmed by the Banjo Project. Big thanks to Tony, Adam and our friends at the Banjo Project for providing this fantastic footage for us to all enjoy! You can find both videos in the +Music Section in the "Special Guests" tab (at the bottom of the list) or click one of the direct links below to go straight there. Enjoy!
Adam Larrabee Performs Preludes for Solo Banjo
Eric Weissberg's Opening Performance - 2002 NY Banjo Concert