New Lesson Just Added: Transposing
Just added to the Beginner lessons is a great new two-part lesson on how to transpose songs into different keys. Sarah will take you through her process of taking a song and methodically transcribing it into a different key. This is an extremly valuable skill to have as a musician and allows you to translate your favorite songs into other keys. It's especially useful for singers, this skill allows you to move a song into a comfortable key that fits your vocal range or the voice of someone you're accompanying. Sarah will take you through the process as she shows you how to move You Are My Sunshine from the key of C into the key of F as an example. She's created a template chart that we've included in the study materials as something you can download and print out to transpose songs yourself also. To go straight to the lesson now click here or you can find it towards the end of the list in the Beginner lessons list. Enjoy!