New Lesson Series: Keith Tuning Pegs
There has been a big demand for lessons on the use and set-up of Keith Tuning Pegs and here they are. These pegs have earned a reputation for being the best banjo tuners available. If you like switching between alternate tunings, they are just the thing! In this 3-part lesson series, Tony takes you through how to set-up the tunings and make adjustments in Part 1. Part 2 is devoted to teaching you a version of "Boil Them Cabbage Down" using the pegs to make note adjustments and Part 3 goes over an original tune titled "Silverado Trail" that Tony wrote specifically to demonstrate the versatility of these pegs. Both tunes include tablature and slow motion isolation as well as a split screen treatment so that you can see all the action as it happens. You'll find these lessons in the Intermediate section or click on the photo above to go directly to the first lesson. Enjoy!