New Pricing Options for New Students
We are going to be changing the MTGA pricing options for NEW MTGA online members as of August 18th. Since the MTGA opened in April of 2010 we have kept the membership fee as low as possible. Please note that our current, loyal players will not see a change in price until the next year: August 18, 2012. Any New online students that join MTGA before August 18th will pay the old price: $60 for 3 months. On August 18th, we will move to the new tiered pricing model: 3 months for $90 ($30 per month), 6 months for $150 ($25 per month), or 12 months for $240 ($20 per month, our current monthly rate). For any questions about the new pricing model, feel free to email us at - Martin and ArtistWorks