Online Music Lessons on the Rise in Spain
Barcelona TV has featured ArtistWorks in a new segment that talks about the rise of online music lessons. As it turns out, there are not too many bluegrass musicians in Spain. But times they are a changing, and for bluegrass guitarists like Juan Pablo, they can connect to bluegrass musicians around the world using online music lessons. This opens the possibility to not only have contact with artists who specialize in their favorite music, but in the case of ArtistWorks, they have access best musicians in the world as their personal teachers. Using ArtistWorks, Juan Pablo can learn bluegrass guitar online with Bryan Sutton - who's regarded as the best flatpick guitarist since the late Doc Watson pioneered the style.
The segment also features classical guitar Jason Vieaux, who through teaching online guitar lessons at ArtistWorks now has students in 15 different countries. His online students study his classical guitar lessons at their own pace, and can send Jason a video of their playing whenever they want feedback. Jason views their videos and records video responses letting them know how they're doing and what they can improve on. This system allows them to learn from a master teacher without having to travel across the globe.
"It's been really great to be a part of this", says Jason Vieaux. "The reach that it has is really amazing."
Learning guitar online is not magic though and as Juan Pablo says, "requires hours, dedication, and willpower". But as long as you have the desire to get better, ArtistWorks' online music lessons provide all the tools and resources you need.