Paul's Written Responses to Video Submissions (while touring)
Paul continues his successful overseas tours and is scheduled back home later this month. He has been trying to stay responsive to his Rock Guitar School students during the tour, but he tell us his Internet coverage has been spotty at best. To keep things moving for you all he has been watching student videos and providing you with written responses. Click "More" to learn how to find Paul's written responses.
If you see a Video Exchange that does not show a "Paul's Response" video under the Student video, scroll down and explore below. Instead, you'll see the title "Paul's Response" with some text written in by Paul. Sometimes he simply writes a short remark like "Comment Below:". When he does that, it means he has written an extensive critique for the student below. You'll have to scroll through any student comments that have been made since Paul wrote his critique since the list of comments are shown with the "most recent comment" showing first. Paul is looking forward to getting back into his video studio later this month.
(Paul's critique will look like this .. again, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to find it!)