Resosummit 2016
This past weekend I had the opportunity to teach at Resosummit. I’m sure many of you are familiar with it. 120 reso students and 10 teachers descend on Nashville TN for a weekend of learning and jamming. I’ve taught a lot of camps, but this one is special obviously as it’s only Dobros. It’s 3 full days, and the students can choose different classes with different teachers. They do limit class size though so students don’t get into everything that they want. But all the classes are beneficial in some way. Preparing material for the camp gave me a number of quality lesson ideas that I can record and share with you guys, so even if you couldn’t go, you’ll be seeing some of the benefits here shortly!
There were quite a few ArtistWorks students in attendance this year, which was cool. And many other familiar faces. I highly recommend doing one of these music camps if you ever get a chance. There’s a lot of learning that goes on, but there’s more! Fun concerts from the faculty and students. Jams. And you can’t overstate how rich the social and networking opportunities are. Great people, all there for the Dobro!
There were some new faces, but many of the folks I knew. This leads me to think I need to continue to up my game in letting people know about our little world, and the joy of playing slide. One really important observation I made, is in the quality of the playing by the students. Since I taught my first resosummit, the median level of the playing has gone up quite a bit. This is a great sign. It shows that sites like Artistworks are really having an impact on peoples playing! 10 years ago there were almost no online resources available for Dobro. Now we have the most comprehensive Dobro teaching site in the world! And many other fantastic sites and resources. Makes me proud to be able to share everything I’ve learned with you guys, and for you all to be able to share with each other. Let’s keep it up! As always let me know if you have any questions. See you in the video que.