On the Road Again...Vacation Time!
Summer tour season has wound down and fall season has yet to ramp up, so I’m taking this opportunity to go on an actual “vacation,” which translates to “on the road again, but without a guitar.” I’ll be traveling and out of touch between September 20 and October 8, so please either hold onto your video exchanges until I return or, if you want to go ahead and send them, please be patient and I’ll respond as soon as I can after I get back.
For those who are just joining the program, I look forward to meeting you! If you have questions while I’m gone, please take advantage of the large catalog of video exchanges with other students, especially those that cover the early lessons. Many common questions are covered there, so it’s a great resource.
Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding, and when I see you next I’ll be tanned (maybe, depending on sunscreen), rested (if a little jet-lagged) and definitely ready! See you soon.