Turntablism Education Show + New Scratch Tutorials
My aim is to give an insights on my exclusive tutorial series "Real instrument Skratching" at QSU and to inspire people to join the Qbert Skratch University community. Furthermore I would like to present my thesis "Bewegungslehre" and explain my S-Notation system step by step for beginners. This education program includes lots of practice with clapping, counting, and simple explanations of how to incorporate music theory with the turntable instrument.
The first show is already up and you can check out the trailer after the break. Also, be sure to read on to hear about Alex's new scratch tutorials for QSU!
This lesson tackles a really nice drumming pattern by ISP & Beat Junkie legend D-Styles. Beside the explanation of the original sequence I have also derived different variations of this beat cutting pattern.
In this lesson we will try to Break New ground by playing a drum pattern in a Time signature of 3/4 by using a Bass Drum/Snare combo.
Scratching is mostly pure improvisation and freestyle. However, now we will try to build up kind of a structure or routine to enhance our performance with a certain trademark or refrain.