Video Exchange Library Organization Complete
Good news: we’ve gone through all old Video Exchanges and made them easier to navigate by moving them to a matching lesson topic or tune. For your convenience, Video Exchanges with multiple tunes/lesson topics will also now appear in multiple locations to match any relevant lesson topics.
Now that everything is in place, please use this button which appears on the actual lesson page of the topic you are submitting for:
This will be the simplest way to keep everything in order. If you are submitting something not taught in the lessons, please use the "Other student submitted tunes" lesson pages that best fits what you’re working on. These appear in the lesson lists in each department. If you are not performing a tune, please use the "Miscellaneous topics / Q & A" category (the last lesson in each department).
If everyone gets on board with this then the VE library will continue to stay organized going forward.... Thanks for making this mandolin community thrive, keep sending in those videos!