Welcome Piano Students!
Hello and welcome to all new incoming students! My name is Marcus and I'm one of the video editors working on the Hugh Sung curriculum here at ArtistWorks. I just wanted to let you all know that we filmed an absolutely giant collection of video lessons for this site and only a fraction of what we have is currently up on the site. We have opened the doors already but rest assured there are many, many more full song lesson series in the process of being edited and on their way soon. The site will continue to grow exponentially in the coming weeks and months with what we already filmed. Hugh will also continue to provide fresh new content and will be filming new lessons series shoots periodically. So dig in and enjoy the lessons and keep your eyes open for new content appearing regularly.
Some other popular pieces that will be arriving soon:
- Clair de Lune
- All of Me
- Fur Elise
- Linus and Lucy
- Blue Danube Waltz
- Moonlight Sonata
- Clocks
- ... and more!