Jason Adds Additional Classical Guitar Lessons
We're excited to announce that we've added a signficant number of new classical guitar lessons to Jason's curriculum. There are many new lessons in the Foundational Skills area, including nine more Carcassi Method lessons, and more on the Segovia Scales. There are also new lessons teaching you How to Change your Strings, Selecting a Guitar, and the infamous Arm Sock. In the Intermediate section we've added a 12 lesson series featuring the Sor: Progressive Pieces. Also in the Intermediate section are new lessons on Breakdowns and Memorization. There is much new material, check it out! Click "read more" to see a list of notation PDFs that have been provided for the original guitar lessons.
We're excited to announce that we've added a signficant number of new classical guitar lessons to Jason's curriculum. There are many new lessons in the Foundational Skills area, including nine more Carcassi Method lessons, and more on the Segovia Scales. There are also new lessons teaching you How to Change your Strings, Selecting a Guitar, and the infamous Arm Sock. In the Intermediate section we've added a 12 lesson series featuring the Sor: Progressive Pieces. Also in the Intermediate section are new lessons on Breakdowns and Memorization. There is much new material, check it out! Click "read more" to see a list of notation PDFs that have been provided for the original lessons.
We have provided public domain PDF notation on all the new Sor and Carcassi lessons. (If the lesson is in multiple parts, the PDF is on the first part). Also, in response to your requests, we had added public domain notation to many of the original lessons:
Lágrima (tab-free version)
Giuliani Arpeggios Parts1-7
Giuliani Opus 61 Grande Ouverture
Bach Bourree
Barrios Julia Florida
Carcassi Etude 19
Giuliani Opus 47 The "Em PIMIA" Etude
Sor Opus 35 #1 and #2
Sor Opus 31 #1, #3, and #5
Sor Opus 35 # 22 ("B Minor Etude")
Sor Opus 35 #17 ("D Major Etude")
Sor Opus 6 #8 ("C Major Etude")
Finally, we added a new Table: Segovia's "20 Studies" mapped to the original Sor Opus numbers (See "Study Materials).