The Ultimate Cello Etude Book
Mike Block has been busy in the ArtistWorks Cello school (and beyond), releasing his first book: “Contemporary Cello Etudes”.
New resources for the Cello community are hard to find, particularly of the caliber Mike was able to produce. “Contemporary Cello Etudes” features etudes by 28 different cellists, including: Ashley Bathgate, Stephan Braun, Rufus Cappadocia, Rushad Eggleston, and Mike Block himself. With titles ranging from, “In the Witching Hour” to “My Toy City”, Mike’s newest Cello literature truly has something for every player.
The level of quality this book exudes is upheld by it’s forward, contributed by YoYo Ma, who wrote (in part):
“Every once in a while, a book of new etudes appears on the scene that becomes the go-to source for advancement in certain techniques… Mike Block has joined with some of our inventive cello colleagues to create a book of etudes that may well become the new go-to manual”.
ArtistWorks is proud to congratulate Mike on his tremendous achievement. As the instructor of the ArtistWorks Cello School, Mike partners with cello players around the world, and helps them achieve the next level in their playing.
Students in the ArtistWorks Cello School with Mike Block will receive exclusive benefits tied to the release of “Contemporary Cello Etudes”. Mike has recorded over 30 new lessons, detailing how to play each etude featured in the book. Additionally, ArtistWorks Cello students can have a free copy of “Contemporary Cello Etudes” mailed to them by completing a form on the Cello School site. To access the form, click on lessons, then on Contemporary Cello Etudes; the form will be in the top left.
As with all lessons available on the ArtistWorks Cello School, students can do more than simply watch Mike’s new lessons. As they learn and practice these expertly crafted pieces, they can submit practice videos for Mike’s review.
We’re excited to partner with Mike and continue to provide great value to ArtistWorks Cello students. Current students are invited to dive into this new material found in the Contemporary Cello Etudes section.
Potential students are invited to explore more features of Mike Block’s school, and watch sample lessons here.
