Shall We Hope: New Innovative Release by Tony Trischka
Tony Trischka’s latest musical release, "Shall We Hope", is the culmination of his innovative, distinctly personal approach to entertaining us while creating perhaps the most captivating musical experience of his career.
In "Shall We Hope", Tony adeptly creates a story that combines spoken word with moving and evocative musical selections. This massive recording project includes songs about miners, soldiers and gamblers, often portrayed in haunting musical harmonies that could only come from Tony’s deeply personal perspective and imaginings of this historical period. Whether it’s a soldier’s love letter, an historic presidential speech, or a song about hope, what you’ll hear seems just as appropriate today as it was 150 years ago.
For one day only, "Shall We Hope" will be offered to any new students of Tony’s who want to learn banjo with him at
"Shall We Hope" can also be purchased at
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